A Berry Good Day

What a fantastic day for picking strawberries! It was a beautiful morning and there were LOTS of berries to be picked! S prefers to eat them rather than put them in the bucket. I don't blame her...they are sooooo delicious and sweet right off the plant.
After we filled 3 buckets we went to lunch, then home for naps. It was important to rest up before making yummy, fresh strawberry pies! J's aunt has the easiest (not to mention, tastiest recipe) : Heat 1 cup water, 1 cup sugar, and 3 tbsp corn starch until thick. Add 3 oz strawberry jello and dissolve. Pour into prepared deep

I have always loved strawberries! My dad grew them at our house in Illinois and we could pop a fresh berry into our mouths anytime we wanted. I can remember going out to pick them early in the morning to have on my cereal. Cheerios topped with sweet strawberries is still my all time favorite breakfast, followed closely by waffles with butter and sliced berries. Mmmmm...good!!!!