Just for You, Mom
Sorry, Mom. I actually did write on Sunday, but blogger wasn't allowing me to post my picture of Savannah doing her "pole dance". I read that they were having some issues with photos, so I waited and waited and waited. And kept trying and trying and trying. Every so often I'd go by the computer and try to download, and although it would say my picture was there, I can tell you it was not.
So I thought that I would take this opportunity to stay off the computer for a few days and focus on my house and family. And it's been nice.
I am working on a project for Jeremy's birthday on Nov. 11th and there is also a little something I am making for my dad's birthday this month. On Tuesday Savannah and I snuggled up at nap time in our recliner in front of PBS kids for an hour and yesterday, we made these super soft sugar cookies "dressed" like pumpkins.

I also made another big batch of potato soup and steam cleaned my carpets. My, it's amazing what I can get done when I'm not browsing the internet!!!
So anyways, Mom, hope this explanation is satisfactory. I will go ahead and publish Sunday's entry without the picture of Savannah, because even though I have just uploaded 2 pictures this morning, I still cannot get the other one of her to post! I give up!!!
Thank you! :) Wonder how much I'd get done if I stayed off the computer more? I need to find out!!!
At the very least you'd take care of your "item of the day". :) How's that going, by the way?
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