Happy Halloween!!!

As I sit here writing, I am chowing down on the Reese's peanut butter cups that were not given away as Halloween candy, and drinking a Dr. Pepper. Yes, sleep might be a long way off for me tonight with all the sugar and caffeine we consumed in the past 4 hours!
Tigger and Cinderella are already fast asleep. Exhausted from the combination of fresh air, lots of walking, and inflatable air slides as far as the eye could see. Plus the candy. LOTS of candy! And Cokes. Oh, and my personal favorite...the funnel cake. I feel like I could hurl!
Cinderella's dress has definitely seen better days. Santa Claus sure did get his $20 worth out of that thing because it has been worn to every princess

Tigger was perfectly happy just to be walking around amidst all the people. He did not share my enthusiasm for funnel cake, but instead preferred slobbering on suckers all night. And woe to the Mama who tries to take the empty stick out of his mouth for fear of choking! Temper, temper, young Tigger!!!
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