Cutest Cowboy Ever

Wouldn't you agree? Riding his horsey in his room he looked like such a big boy. Of course, that is his blankie (ba-gee) that is laying across his lap, so I suppose he's not quite ready to ride off into the sunset anytime soon.
Emery will be 14 months old on Saturday. This age is just so great! Not a baby, but not a little boy just yet. I can't get enough of his kisses. They are those open mouth, wet and slobbery kisses, that you have to wipe off with your sleeve. I love it!
Today I threw away his bottles. About 6 months ago I remember thinking that I couldn't wait for the day I "didn't have to wash these *% bottles anymore"! I have been weaning him onto a sippy cup and this afternoon when Daddy accidentally gave him milk in a bottle, he wouldn't drink it. I wanted to see him purse his lips around that rubber nipple one more time and maybe even snuggle back into my arms to drink it, but no such luck. He had more important things to do. Chairs to climb on. A tupperware cabinet to disembowel. Ya know...the important stuff.
So I gathered together the remaining bottles and all their accessories and tossed them into the trash can. A chapter of my life is now closed. It's not as freeing as I thought it would be.
To be sad would be a waste of perfectly good energy, so I will choose to ignore the thoughts of "if I would have..." and "I wish I had only..." and focus on my adorable son in the moment. These wonderful moments of learning new words, like turtle (tur-ta) and Big Bird (be-be). The moment every morning that makes my heart melt as I see the sparkle of delight in his eyes when I walk through his door to give him the first hug of the day. I am still his favorite person.
And he is my favorite little boy.
Adorable! Made my morning. :)
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