City Slickers II

After spending a week in my house with 2 toddlers (a daughter, whose conversation is all about her 3 year world, and a 1 year old whose vocabulary mostly consists of the word "Mmm", followed by pointing to show me what he's talking about. And if I miss the first "Mmm" prompt, it only gets louder and more forceful until I stop what I am doing and take notice!), it is easy to see why I was so eager to TALK to Jeremy when he got home from his trip. I wanted to know details!!! You know how us girls can be...details, details, give me the details!!!
This is the wonderful conversation we had after the welcome home "hug-and-kiss-fest" had ceased:
Me: So, how was your trip? I can't believe you spent a week without a cell phone and blackberry. Were you able to not think about work? Gosh, what DID you think about out there?
Him: Being warm.
Me: Oh, so it was cold the whole time? Did you and your Dad get any time to really talk about stuff? You know, Father/Son stuff?
Him: We talked about the best way to keep warm.
Me: Seriously? It was that bad? Well, what was your favorite part of the trip?
Him: Coming home.
And that about covers it!!!! The next day he showed me the pictures he took and that's when he really opened up. He talked the most about the picture at the above left. That is the "bathroom", called a Banyo up in those parts. It is pretty much a hole in the ground and you sit on the sticks when you have to go. He said the view from the banyo was amazing! :)
Here is the whole gang that went on the trip: (standing L to R: Trail Boss, Jim, Sonny, Jay, Trail Hand, Jeremy...kneeling L to R: Brian, Trail Cook, and 3 people from Seattle).

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