The Cow Killer

The other night the kids and I were outside waiting for Aunt Jessica to get to our house, and this lovely creature came scurrying out of the garage, right for us!!! (This is not the actual critter...this picture is off the internet.)
After living on the lake for the past year, I can surely say that I have seen my share of large, ugly insects. But this one really scared the ba-gee-gees out of me because I recognized it from my 8th grade science fair project.
My friend Melissa and I spent all summer collecting bugs for our project and I can remember looking through our National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Insects many, many nights, trying to classify our catches of the day.
It was difficult to determine our captured ants scientific names since most of them look so similar. Except for the Cow Killer. It stood out from all the rest. Oh how I would have loved to find one to add to our collection.
And then here, some 20 years later, I have the opportunity to witness the infamous Cow Killer, otherwise known as Red Velvet. But seeing as I didn't need to carefully smother the fury, scary ant, leaving his body intact for the science fair, I grabbed my son into my arms, ran to get my tennis shoe in the garage, and repeatedly smacked the living daylights out of it until it broke in half. Whew...dead.
Or so I thought!!! A few minutes later Savannah called out "it's still moving, Mommy. I'll go get the shoe". I figured it was twitching or slowly taking it's last breath, but when I looked over at where the 2 pieces of ant were left, only ONE half remained!!!
I felt like I was in a creepy science fiction movie. The "ant" (if he could still be called that with only 2 legs), had made his way into the bushes so I put the shoe on this time, and stepped, stomped, and squished until he was buried in the ground. I have no idea if he made his way out again, but let's hope not. He would most certainly have a vendetta against me!
After eating dinner I called my dad to see what he could tell me about the Cow Killer. He was familiar with the species and told me that even though the name makes it sound like a venomous creature, the ants can't kill you. But they can give out a really nasty sting. Not something I would have wanted for either of my children, I can assure you!
I am glad everyone survived the dreadful 'home invasion'. By the way, how was it that YOU, of all people, ended up doing your science project on BUGS anyway???
That is a good question! I guess because DEAD bugs don't bother me...only LIVE ones! Besides, if I was going to spend all summer killing the darn things, I might as well get an "A" out of it! :)
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