First Day of Preschool

Last week Savannah started back to preschool at First Baptist Conyers Child Development Center. She finished up the 2 year old program with them in March-May of this past spring. She really liked it and had been asking all summer when she would get to go back to school. Oh, that and she wanted to know if Josh was going to be in her class again (he is a little boy that pushed her on her first day of school last year and she just won't let it go!).
The 3 year olds go three days a week from 9-12. I love dropping her off in the morning. We sit in the carpool lane and she tells me if she knows any of the other kids. If it's a boy she'll say, "He's okay, Mommy. He's not Josh". (let it go!) Then when it's her turn, she takes her seat belt off, puts her backpack on and yells, "Bye Mommy"!!! She's in too big of a hurry this year to give me a kiss, but that's alright. I'll get plenty of that when I pick her up in the afternoon.
I know the CDC on her pick-up sign stands for Child Development Center, but I can't help thinking "Center for Disease Control" every time I see it. :)
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