Happy Birthday Emery!!!

Our baby boy turned 1 year old today! We had an excellent party with the best friends and family anyone could ask for. I just had to post the picture of him that was taken a year ago at the hospital. Yes, that 9 pounder actually came out of me!!! After 2 days of labor!!! And one episode at the hospital where Daddy seriously thought I was dying!!! Those are just a few tid bits I will be able to guilt him with for the rest of his life! :)
I've been trying to think of something significant to write for this milestone, but honestly nothing is coming to mind. Emery is definitely "all boy", as they say, referring to the way the little guys like to play hard and are constantly on the go. A positive note on this is how well he eats and then sleeps. His favorite toys are balls, of which he now has plenty of choices (thank you all for the lovely gifts!) and wheels. When he does decide to sit still for a while, he likes to sit and try to put things together. Very analytical, I think.
He could take it or leave it when it comes to the TV. His passion seems to be music. He will stop whatever he is doing to dance and clap when he hears a song start to play. Music always puts a big grin on his face. And my favorite thing about Emery is his laugh. I've probably said it before, he has the MOST hilarious laugh I've ever heard.
As I close this post take a look at the birthday boy with his cake. He didn't get too messy, which was a surprise to me, but he enjoyed eating the frosting and then smearing it in his hair. Happy Birthday Sweetie Pie!!! We love you sooooo much!!!!!!!!!!

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