Great Question

I thought I was done writing today until I logged onto Faith Lifts and read this question:
What everyday things do you find purpose in?
I could go on and on about this topic and trust me, it would sound like nonsensical ramblings. I just have so much to say on the subject, especially to moms who are new to the world of being at home full time. I sort of eased into this position. I started out 4 years ago working from home, then as my husband gradually hire more employees, I was able to be at home devoting 100% to my family.
What a blessing! And at times, what a curse on my mind. I frequently found myself focused on how little I was contributing...monetarily. Guilty for buying a new pair of shoes...on sale! I compared myself to other women who were being promoted or who were achieving great success in the business world. "That could be me", I would think.
At times I felt like I was sacrificing too many of my own dreams. I wanted to see the results of my hard work. And as any generation x'er will tell you, I wanted to see those results right now.
And then. There it was. Selfishness.
I had to redefine my success and in doing so, find my life purpose. Those same traits that make me an asset in the business world, allow me to be a champion housekeeper! Whoo hoo!!! I know it isn't the life of glamour I once dreamed of, but once I became an heir of His kingdom 4 years ago, my dreams needed to be altered.
I am now living according to God's plan and not my own. Let me share a verse that He has given to me and then I must get back on track with the laundry.
Proverbs 22:6 "Train a child up in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it". This verse is so important to me right now. It reminds me that even though I am not seeing immediate results, I should not get discouraged. Sure, changing diapers and refilling sippy cups all day long may seem monotonous, but my children are seeing so much more than that. My attitude (" at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord..." Col. 3:23) is so important. Not to mention how I handle life's big upsets! Theirs as well as my own. I am helping them develop character. How scary is that! And not a small task by any means!!!
I am training my children up to be followers of Christ. While I may feel a bit bored with my daily routine, who knows what is in store for my children. This temporary sacrifice (in the grand scheme of things) could hold big rewards in the kingdom of Heaven if one of my kids is able to touch the hearts of hurting people in the years to come.
So that is my biggest purpose right now. It may sound like scattered thoughts, but it is hard to condense all the Lord has shown me on this topic. And as I said, there is a laundry basket calling my name..oh, nope, make that a tot just waking from his nap!
Hi Jodi, I enjoyed your post very much. I remembered the meme this week. lol. At my age memory is nothing to joke about, but I do. Have to laugh instead of cry. You know I often thought why do women who stay at home and care for it and their families not ever feel glamourous? I can't think of a more beautiful person and job in the world. I have been both, sahm and then a full time worker in a out of home job. Give me that at home job any day. I can't think of a better way to fullfill God's purpose in one's life. God Bless..
I appreciated all of your thoughts and didn't find them scattered at all. I agree that our role to train up our children is indeed one of the greatest roles we can ever fulfill. I'm sure when your little ones and mine are older we will see some of the fruits of our labour if we are faithful to carry it through. Thanks for sharing! I always wanted to be a SAHM but there were moments I too felt like I could be doing more but I look into those little eyes and wouldn't want to miss a moment with them. :0) Thanks for sharing your thoughts today. :0)
Are you kidding me? That was great! I felt like I just kept rambling, but didn't want to take the time to refine it! LOL! Thank you so much for your encouraging comment on my blog. I got some insight from yours too. :o) Congrats on seeing the purpose in your sippy cups & diapers. It's tough sometimes, isn't it? God bless!
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