A Quick Trip to the Aquarium

The Aquarium in Atlanta is very nice and I recommend going there. We didn't plan enough time to get there (plus I was running 20 minutes late) and so we only had an hour to spend inside. I definitely want to go back sometime when we can take our time and just watch the fish. It's so peaceful. (If you can block out the child having a temper tantrum next to you, that is!)
I really liked the penguin display. They have a cool photo op spot there that we didn't want to wait in line for, but will do that the next time. (And just a side note to the person who recently told me she heard a child stole a penguin from the Aquarium on a field trip and took it home...I find that VERY hard to believe after seeing where they keep them. Either that story is false or that kid is Houdini).
Jeremy liked the sharks, especially the whale sharks, and Savannah said her favorite part was the otters. I was really glad to hear her say that since by the way she was acting at the time, I would have said what she enjoyed the most was playing with the "moving sidewalk", or whatever they call that thing. She just loved it! :)
only an hour?! why?! Glad you had a good time!
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