May 12, 2006

So Much for Good Intentions

This morning started with such good intentions. I was studying Praying in Faith in my quiet time and as always, asked that the Lord be with me today as I mothered my children. To give me patience and wisdom and all those wonderful qualities that perfect mothers have, of which I seem to be lacking! And I prayed in FAITH!

Well apparently God had other plans for me. Somehow I missed it on the syllabus for my life, but I had a test today. No, more like a FINAL EXAM! I had all kinds of temper tantrums, misunderstandings, food strikes, drama performances, and my personal favorite, WHINING episodes that I could handle. And that was all by 9:00 this morning!

The testing continued through lunch and my attempts at reasonable forms of discipline gave way to a couple of spankings and the one thing I do that I hate more than anything else: yelling. Ugh! I loathe writing that word!

I bought a book the other day just because I liked the subtitle: "Surviving Your Child's Early Years with Your Sanity AND Salvation Intact". When I got home, I read the introduction as my daughter was jabbering nonstop about what size poopy she thought she had in her pull-up and my son had attached himself to my leg. I cried. This woman was speaking my language!

I have only read the first few chapters, but so far it looks like I too will survive the toddler years. Today was a horrible day for S and me, but tomorrow offers hope and reconciliation. Thank you, Jesus!

(On a more positive note: a very Happy Birthday to my cool, awesome, beautiful, fun, hilarious Sister, Jessica!!!!! You're the Best!!! I Love Ya!!!!)


Blogger Jess said...

Well, I don't know how much motherly wisdom I have, but if I've learned nothing else in my own experiences, it's that an earnest plea for patience is nothing short of an invitation for trials and frustrations! The only way to develop true patience is to be tested in it. So, your message was evidently received! :) That's the good news! And if He heard your plea, He's there to give you the grace and sustanance you need.
Not sure what "perfect" parents you might be referring to, but you aren't too bad yourself. :)

Love, Jess

6:54 PM  

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