Memorial Day Weekend and Misc.

I took this picture of the kids this morning after a big dump truck came and dropped off this HUGE pile of sand for their new sand box. Savannah thought it was so cool and it was all I could do to get her to finish her lunch before we all headed outside to play in the pile.
As I'm typing the kids are both sleeping and there is man out side putting the sand in the actual box. I think Savannah will be slightly disappointed when she finds out she will no longer be able to "climb the mountain". :)
On another note, this past weekend was Memorial Day. At church Sunday there was a local man who spoke briefly about his son who died last August in Iraq. It was very touching. It helped me remember what this holiday is all about. Not going out of town, not grilling out, not heading to the lake. It's about the people who have died for me. Who don't even know me! So I can live in freedom and without fear. I realized that I don't have that kind of courage. And I also realized what kind of genuine respect they deserve from me.
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