"Mommy, that's a BIG Bug"
Is what I heard as we walked into the garage yesterday afternoon. I looked up to see what was making the buzzing noise and instead of a bug, found a hummingbird. I had left the garage door open because I rinsed off Emery's carseat and let it sit in the sun, just inside the garage, to dry. I guess the little fella came in and for some reason, couldn't figure out how to leave. He just kept flying himself into the ceiling, and then finally, came to a rest to watch us intently, as we all climbed into the truck to go to church.
I ended up leaving the garage door open at the bottom in hopes that he would land on the floor, see the light, and walk outside. When we got home that night, I was disappointed to see him still in the garage, just as confused as ever.
Jeremy got home soon after we did and I asked him if he thought he could help our new little friend. He put some work gloves on, picked the hummingbird up, and it was then that we realized his leg was hurt.
Now I am quite the animal lover and would be willing to nurse any injured animal back to health, but my husband is not so keen on outdoor critters or even house pets. He would rather fish for them or hunt them, and leave it at that. So imagine my surprise when he asked me to go and mix up some sugar water to see if we could get the pocket sized birdie to eat.
After sweetening the water I found an unused medicine dropper and we attempted to feed the poor, hungry bird. He ate the first dropper full quickly! Yay!!! After that, he wasn't very interested in food, so we got out a flower pot, and with Savannah's help, made him a cozy nest for the night.
We put him out on the screened porch, protected from predators, and there he slept (I guess) until morning. When we went out to check on him this morning, he was flying around and ready to get back to the outside world.
Unfortunately I didn't get a shot of Jeremy, in his business suit, holding a broom, trying to shoo our friend out into the woods this morning. But I did get a picture of him last night right after he ate his dinner. Kinda cute!
I ended up leaving the garage door open at the bottom in hopes that he would land on the floor, see the light, and walk outside. When we got home that night, I was disappointed to see him still in the garage, just as confused as ever.
Jeremy got home soon after we did and I asked him if he thought he could help our new little friend. He put some work gloves on, picked the hummingbird up, and it was then that we realized his leg was hurt.
Now I am quite the animal lover and would be willing to nurse any injured animal back to health, but my husband is not so keen on outdoor critters or even house pets. He would rather fish for them or hunt them, and leave it at that. So imagine my surprise when he asked me to go and mix up some sugar water to see if we could get the pocket sized birdie to eat.
After sweetening the water I found an unused medicine dropper and we attempted to feed the poor, hungry bird. He ate the first dropper full quickly! Yay!!! After that, he wasn't very interested in food, so we got out a flower pot, and with Savannah's help, made him a cozy nest for the night.
We put him out on the screened porch, protected from predators, and there he slept (I guess) until morning. When we went out to check on him this morning, he was flying around and ready to get back to the outside world.
Unfortunately I didn't get a shot of Jeremy, in his business suit, holding a broom, trying to shoo our friend out into the woods this morning. But I did get a picture of him last night right after he ate his dinner. Kinda cute!

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